Benton Grammar School Stereoscopic Image
Rare Benton Grammar School Stereoscopic Card
Author’s Collection
When Walt was nine years old, he and his family moved from Marceline, Missiouri to Kansas City, Missouri. The year was 1911, and it may be difficult to imagine in today’s era of high-horsepowered electric and gas fueled automobiles, but Walt was living in a time of transition. In his world, gas lamps were just beginning to give way to electric lights, movie theatres were just beginning an era of golden-age popularity, and the new Model T automobile was now joining the horse-drawn buggies and delivery wagons plying the streets of Walt’s neighborhood.
Above is a very rare Stereoscopic image of the Benton Grammar School, taken during the period that Walt attended the school, and featuring a horse-drawn buggy making its way north on Benton Boulevard.
You can learn much more about the Benton Grammar School, including getting a look at a couple of very rare yearbook covers, in the book Disney-History - Rare & Unknown.